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5 tips for greater enjoyment of your work

working in a positive way in the diamond industry

Tip 1: Balancing work and private life

“A strong balance between the two elements helps you move forward; an imbalance will eventually be detrimental.”

Tip 2: Be optimistic

“Think in terms of possibilities rather than problems. A difficult customer need not always be a negative. You can also take this difficult customer as a personal challenge to turn him into a satisfied customer.”

Tip 3: Take care of your body

“Excercise, sleep and relax. These three elements constitute an important pattern to get through the day in good shape.”

Tip 4: Be collegial

“Help and support others at work. Supporting one another ensures a better atmosphere and greater collective motivation. It is very enjoyable on both ends – for the one who receives help and the one who gives it.”

Tip 5: Set challenging but realistic objectives for yourself

“Some people set their goals much too high and then you have a burnout lurking around the corner. It is essential to stay realistic!”


Conclusion? Much of what makes for a healthy and pleasant working environment is in your control!


Source: Vacature, dossier: enjoying work, “10 tips for more enthusiasm”, Eline Maeyens