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Checklist for your job interview

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A job interview is very stressful. Are you sure you haven’t forgotten anything? Do you know exactly where you need to be? We have put a checklist together for you with the six most important questions you should ask yourself before you leave for the intervew.


1. Am I sufficiently prepared?

Do you know what was in the job description? Have you prepared answers to the most important questions and do you know exactly what is written in your CV? These are a few of the most important subtantial things you need to know before you leave for a job interview.

2. Have I prepared convincing arguments?

You need to convince the interviewer that you are the best candidate for the job. So it is important to show up with a few convincing arguments you can use during the job interview. Make sure to give this some consideration and review it when you are on the way.

3. What do I want to find out?

You will certainly have some questions for the interviewer. What will you have to do at the job? Who is your manager? Are you the responsible person for your projects? Make sure you have a clear idea of what you want to find out so you can ask the interviewer if he or she does not offer this information during the interview.

4. Who will be interviewing me?

This might seem obvious, but it is important to know the name of the interviewer. That way you will not only know who you have to ask for at the reception desk, but it will also help you prepare your interview. For instance, it makes a difference whether you will be meeting the HR manager or the CEO. They might ask you very different questions.

5. Do you know where the company is located?

Have you clearly identified exactly where you need to be for the job interview? Or even better: have you already been there? It is a good idea to go have a look ahead of time at where the company is located, if possible. That way, you will not have to worry about finding it.

6. Are you dressed appropriately?

Do you look professional, while still looking like you? Are your clothes nicely ironed? These are just a few of the questions you should ask yourself before you leave for the interview.

Have you taken all of these items into consideration? If so, you have no reason to still be nervous about your job interview. Take a deep breath and go for it. Good luck!


Source: Stepstone