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Make your new employee feel at home!

When a new employee joins your company, you want them to be as productive as possible upon their arrival. However, there is only one way to make sure that happens, and that is by giving them a proper welcome. If an employee feels welcome, they will be able to adapt more quickly to the new work environment, which increases their productivity and hence their contribution to the company’s sales and profits. In other words, they will automatically make up for any recruitment costs. The following tips will help you make your new employee feel at home:

  • Create an introductory program for the employee’s first day on the job
  • Follow up on the new employee during their first three months
  • Create an atmosphere of open communication, in which mutual expectations are discussed The expectations both parties conveyed during the selection process should correspond with reality
  • Ask one of your employees to be a contact person for the new employee during his/her first week on the job. An assigned contact person can be a reassuring presence for the new employee and assist them in practical matters
  • Offer the employee a welcome brochure as soon as they have signed their contract, so that they can get to know the company beforehand