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Which outfit for your job interview?

dresscode interview

“Making a good first impression is very important. You only get one chance.”

The way you dress is an important form of non-verbal communication. This is why it is very important that the outfit you select for your job interview emphasizes your personality.

  • How to best prepare for a job interview? In addition to be well prepared substantially, it is also important to select the right outfit, because your clothing can give your potential employer a certain image of you. Therefore, it is best to select something that feels comfortable and looks professional. Also keep in mind the company with which you are applying. Some companies have their own official or unofficial dress code. The culture in which the company does business may also play a role in this regard. Prepare yourself by checking this out on their website or asking them directly.

Tips & Tricks

  • Be prepared! Select your outfit well ahead of time so you can avoid the following surprises
    • Wrinkled, stained & worn-out clothing
    • Clothes that are too tight or too loose
    • Being underdressed or overdressed
  • By leaving on time, you avoid all sorts of nuisances such as:
    • Body odor
    • Untidy hair
  • Absolutely avoid
    • Dirty or untended hands
    • Heavy perfume

Colors determine the look

The right color varies from individual to individual. For instance, finding the right color can make you look fresher and more lively, while others make you seem gloomy and lifeless. Ask your family and friends which colors suit you best.

Natural skin tone

When you are feeling good, you look naturally radiant! No outfit can top that.