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Brussels Airlines, Lufthansa, Austrian & Swiss Airlines

All members of registered Antwerp diamond companies traveling with one of the carriers listed below will benefit from a discount of up to 20%*.  

  • Air Canada
  • All Nippon
  • Austrian
  • Brussels Airlines
  • Lufthansa
  • Swiss
  • United

Bookings need to be made via one of the following agencies:

  • MSD Travel
  • Translloyd Travel Antwerp
  • Omnia Travel Antwerp
  • Travel India Antwerp
  • HRG Belgium NV Antwerp
  • BTS Travel Antwerp & Brussels


Do you have any questions? Please mail Brussels Airlines

* The discount does not apply to taxes and surcharges. Discount % varies per destination and booking class available at the time of booking.

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2 Contacts

Nathalie Linotte


Liesbeth Moereels

PR & Events Officer