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When (not) to apply for a job?

job vacancy diamond industry

Anybody can and may apply for any available job. But be aware that there are reasons why certain hard and soft skills are included in a job announcement. The company has given them serious consideration. This typically occurs by means of consultation between HR and the relevant department before the vacancy is published.

The difference between hard and soft criteria?

Hard criteria are those of fundamental importance for carrying out the position. These include degrees, technical skills, experience and languages. For instance, you cannot become a doctor without completing medical school or a lawyer without having studied law. This goes without saying. However, for other jobs the situation is not so clear. Soft skills concern more personal qualities, such as communication and social skills or language skills.

For which jobs is the distinction less clear?

It is more difficult to draw hard and fast lines for positions in sales, business development and administration. Degrees are often given as a guideline, but many will also depend on one’s experience. Both come into play when determining whether or not you are the right candidate for the job. Try to emphasize both in your cover letter. In most instances, experience will win out over a degree.

Making a decision

When in doubt, you should try to put yourself in the position of the recruiter in an honest and informed manner. Imagine this is a very popular job for which the recruiter receives dozens of applications. What would you do if you were the one who had to decide? This individual has many more tasks than simply processing the resumes for this one job opening.

Wasting time

A distinction will be made quickly among the various candidates. First they will check the hard criteria. When, for instance, you do not speak the working language used in the company, and this is an absolute requirement, you will not be considered for the job despite the fact that you may meet the other criteria. Above all, think logically about it and do not waste your precious time on job openings for which you already know the answer: “Not selected”.

Best of luck choosing the right job vacancy!