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Why would you hire yourself?

Job application diamond industry

This might seem like a strange question, but it is a question that you have to ask yourself for each job application. You can only convince a recruiter that you are the perfect candidate for the job if you believe it yourself. Put yourself in the position of the recruiter who has to decide whether you are the best candidate and look for convincing arguments. That way it will be easier to convince the company of your abilities in your CV and cover letter, as well as during an interview. Here is a checklist that will help you on your way for every application.

Do I meet most of the criteria of the job profile?

You may very well come across as convincing, but if you do not match the profile at all, you will have no chance of receiving an invitation for an initial interview. Be realistic and only apply for jobs where you stand a chance. You do not have to fit the profile perfectly, but make sure that you at least have sufficient arguments to convince the recruiter that you are the ideal candidate.

Which other qualities are positive for the employer?

Consider the personality that someone doing that job should have and which qualities could be important. For a marketing position, you would probably hire someone that is very creative, while for a bookkeeping position, you would likely hire someone who can concentrate and is very precise. Make sure to highlight your relevant qualities in your CV and cover letter.

Do my cover letter and CV look good?

If you were a recruiter, wouldn’t you rather read a carefully written letter without grammatical errors? If you put effort into the layout of your letter and CV, and write without errors, recruiters will be happy to read your application materials. This increases the likelihood that you will be invited for an initial interview.

How would I react to this application?

Put yourself in the place of the recruiter and try to imagine what his/her reaction will be when receiving your application? Look at your CV and make a list of where you diverge from the desired profile. Have you mentioned all of these aspects in your application letter? You do not have to answer to every point where you diverge from the profile, but you can respond to any doubts on the part of the recruiter. For instance, if you are applying to a hospital but have no experience in the medical sector, you might mention that you had a holiday job in a hospital or did an internship. Naturally you should not lie; only say so if it is true. Also, you may always mention that you do not have any experience in the sector, but that you would like to learn new skills and are interested in the sector.

Source: Stepstone