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Other import and export documents
The ATA-carnet is an international customs document that allows traders to temporarily import goods into non-EU countries without payment of normally applicable customs charges and VAT.
Using the ATA-carnet simplifies customs clearance of goods and provides financial security for customs charges potentially due on the goods, which will be used in the countries visited.
By means of this useful document, it is possible to import goods (samples, equipment for exhibitions and fairs, professional tools, etc.) on a temporary basis without paying any import duties, VAT or customs guarantees, in all countries that have signed the ATA-Convention[1].
In Belgium, the ATA carnet is only issued for polished diamonds and cannot be obtained for rough diamonds. The main situations in which ATA-carnets are granted are the following:
- Stand equipment for trade fairs, exhibitions or similar events;
- Goods to be used at exhibitions, demonstrations, exhibitions and fairs;
- Commercial samples;
- Professional equipment.
The list of countries that accept ATA-carnet can be found on the following website: http://www.iccwbo.org/products-and-services/trade-facilitation/ata-conne...
The network of Chambers of Commerce is entitled by public authorities to deliver ATA carnets.
More information on this subject is available on the website of the Chamber of Commerce or by sending an email to the local Chamber of Commerce (Kamer van Koophandel) in Antwerp. Please consult the list of contact details.
1 Customs Convention on the A.T.A. Carnet for the temporary admission of goods, 6 December 1961. http://www.vi.is/files/Text%20of%20the%20ATA%20Convention_325520992.pdf
Certificate of origin
The certificate of origin is a document in which the economic origin of an exported product is mentioned. Although normally validated by the Chamber of Commerce, in the case of diamonds, it can be validated by the Diamond Office. (Note: The certificate of origin must not be confused with the Kimberley Process Certificate!)
Blank application forms to apply for a certificate of origin can be obtained at the Diamond Office in Antwerp (when abroad, it can be obtained at the local Chamber of Commerce).
The main documents, which must be submitted with the application, are the following:
· Purchasing invoice mentioning the origin of the product;
· Supplier’s declaration (long term declaration);
· Supplier’s certificate of origin;
· Form A