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Recognised diamond workshop


You are allowed to process diamonds if you have a recognised diamond workshop. In order to become a recognised diamond workshop, certain permits need to be obtained.  These are the following:

- A building permit, to be requested by the owner of the building at the municipality (if the building is rented, please contact the owner).

- A permit for polluting business (vergunning hinderlijk bedrijf), to be requested by the owner of the workshop at the Province of Antwerp.

- As a result of the law of 20th December 1950 and the Royal Decree of 17th April 1970  with respect to the admission of diamond workshops, a special admission needs to be granted by the Joint Committee 324 (Paritair Comité 324) by sending a special request in writing to their offices. After submittal of written request, the Service Well-being of Workers at Work shall visit the workshop and shall verify if all safety requirements are complied with. After a positive review of this Service, the file will be handed over again to the Joint Committee 324 which will officially request the authorities to recognize the workshop. The workshop shall be approved by a Ministerial Decree that will be granted to the diamond trader by the Joint Committee.