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About AWDC


About AWDC


Antwerp World Diamond Centre (AWDC) is a private foundation, which serves and represents the collective interests of the Belgian diamond sector, from the heart of the industry itself. AWDC is not a member-based organization but rather represents the diamond sector as a whole, irrespective of the scale of an actor’s activities or the size of the company. AWDC strives to further develop Antwerp´s position as the leading global diamond hub and to strengthen the image of the sector to the general public. These activities are paired with a wealth of services for the sector, namely: marketing and communications campaigns, events in Belgium and abroad, advocacy, services concerning security, compliance and the like.

AWDC is located at Hoveniersstraat 22, 2018 in Antwerp, Belgium; in the heart of the Antwerp diamond district. While we do not have any offices abroad and we cannot measure our activities in terms of products we deliver and consumer markets, our activities are nevertheless, for a large part, carried out on the international diamond scene.

This chapter contains information about the structure, finances and employement policy of AWDC