- Home
- What can we do for you
- Starting a Business in Antwerp
- 7. Labour in Belgium
- Status of the employee
- G7/EU Sanctions
- Registered Diamond Companies
- Banking and Taxes
- Antwerp Diamond Tender Facility
- Diamond Office
- Resources and Regulations
- Sponsorship Request
- Brilliant Benefits
- Doing Business in Antwerp: Contact List
- Starting a Business in Antwerp
- 1. Formalities, Registrations and Declarations for Diamond Traders
- 2. Founding a Company in Belgium
- 3. Types of Companies in Belgium
- 4. Methods to Acquire Companies in Belgium
- 5. Commercial Property
- 6. Insurance
- 7. Labour in Belgium
- Status of the employee
- Employment contracts
- Recruiting employees
- Specific case of secondment
- Relocation assistance and integration
- Public holidays in Belgium
- Legal paid annual leave in Belgium
- Salary
- Illness of the employee
- Personnel/staff administration
- Social Inspection Department
- Contribution to the Internal Compensation Fund
- 8. International Agreements
- 9. Subsidies in Belgium
- 10. Intellectual Property
- Jobs
Status of the employee
Since the coming into force of the Unification law of 26 December 2013 (Unification law)[1] on the 1st of January 2014, the distinction made by Belgian legislation between blue collar/manual workers (werkman-lui/arbeiders) and white collar/intellectual workers (bedienden) has been partially cancelled. The most important changes are related to the rules governing the period of notice after a dismissal of the worker and the abolishment of the Carenz-day for the manual worker.
Beware that for diamond traders there is an exception with regard to the period of notice in the situation of dismissal, which allows you to apply the specific provisions[2]related to this sector until the 31st of December 2017. If you are an employer it is advised to keep a close eye on future developments. Further detailed information can be obtained at the Syndicate of the Belgian Diamond Industry (Syndikaat der Belgische Diamantnijverheid [SBD]).
1 Wet van 26 december 2013 ‘betreffende de invoering van een eenheidsstatuut tussen arbeiders en bedienden inzake de opzeggingstermijnen en de carenzdag en begeleidende maatregelen’, B.S. 31 december 2013
2 KB 12 november 2012 ‘tot vaststelling van de
opzeggingstermijnen in de ondernemingen die onder het ParitairComité voor de diamantnijverheid en -handel ressorteren (PC 324): Joint Committee 324’, B.S. 5 december 2012